Sunday, 21 May 2017

I will call you, save your money

      Trinidad and Tobago has been experiencing an economic down turn for a number of years. As a result a call has come from the Prime Minister and his party to brace yourself for major cut backs and save your money "Tighten yuh belt". While we are being asking to save,  the government is just spending on phone bills 

 Call usage - $1,111.06
 Roaming Data usage - $50,616.61
Value added tax - $6,562.13.
Total - $59,000




  1. For a Minister of Tourism she does not know the first and foremost rule or traveling abroad...... TURN OFF YOUR ROAMING DATA!!!!

  2. My question is don't they have advisors......?

  3. I am inclined to battle against common sense. So much money may be spent on phone bills (whether necessary or not is another matter entirely) and as citizens concerns are voiced. However other concerns take precedence, mainly, what are we going to do about it given that our voices have not been heard?
    Politics, according to O'Rourke, is a necessary evil; the media its tool for propaganda...

  4. Yes they do have advisors !!! ..So that should answer your question Mr Reid


Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...