Monday, 29 May 2017

Investment or Wastage

So T&T is said to be going through economic trouble. While this is the tune of all political parties the results remain the same, where they are spending loosely with no consideration for the population at hand. Political games and tricks seem to be the order of the day.

                                                                   PONDER THIS


  1. Same thing with all politicians... Just a different day.

  2. Same thing with all politicians... Just a different day.

  3. I wanted to put my real thoughts, but then it would spark a lot of debate. So instead... I would just say that's just disregard for citizens of T&T.

  4. Smh. This is heartbreaking. To see money wasting while ppl are losing jobs and struggling to make ends meet

  5. What's new? Not to mention this is partly the citizens' fault; and I speak as a citizen. Do we actually really care? Or do we just like to complain and then do nothing about it?

  6. Political Business as usual

  7. I once heard a man say , politics is an illusion of making the people believe you care about them and the wellness of the nation while pushing your own personal agendas for selfish gain .

  8. We not in no economic downturn....apparently we have real money to waste


Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...