Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :
                      'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'
                                      where have we gone wrong as a society?
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social media and I

One of the greatest recorded forms of  evolutions was the advent of social media. Every individual has actively participated with the internet and social media or has a certain level of knowledge, it is a phenomenon that one cannot avoid. As a result the question must be asked can an individual function in our present society without actively engaging with social media?

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Tuesday, 25 July 2017


Life is difficult so it's always encouraging to have aspects in life that can assist with making the journey to success easier, so look at the video and make your judgement.
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When do we find our purpose?

  We are all in this journey we call life, trying to find our self and our purpose of our being. William Barclay summarised it by generally stating that  we are born that's the first mark of greatness and when we find our purpose we have truly begin to live. While I agree with his view, the question is when would one really know when they have found their true purpose?
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Sunday, 9 July 2017

The mark of greatness

what are the marks of a great person.who is a great person? One of the most important elements with life is being able to help other be your brothers keeper.
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Hair oh boy!

                       To each his own,  what do you think about this hair style. Leave a comment
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The Rough S.E.A

First of all I would like to congratulate all the students who wrote the exam on a job well done. To all parents and teachers who actively supporting and encouraging the students throughout the process job well done.
The issue I have is why are we pressuring our young minds so much. I see more damage associated with this exam than benefit. If the ministry would assess these children continuously from the end of standard 1 to the end of standard 5 using this approach as means of assigning students to the secondary school system would be less stressful and more profitable for all stakeholders.

Monday, 3 July 2017

What A Sorry Authority

                                  Any TRINI can understand this no words are required.

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Light is right??

How is it that there has been and upsurge in the trend of skin bleaching, both men and women have been bleaching it has become a normal part of fashion. Why are people bleaching is there no love for self or is there some benefit in being lighter. The Confusing question is, is bleaching right or wrong.

                                                 What is your view PONDER THIS

Drop it low

Issues of wearing your pants under your waist is still a topic of discussion, some say it's rude and disrespectful to wear you pants that low. I see no issue with it I believe it's a nice fashion trend, but with all things it can be over done and I believe that's the point where it becomes a point of contention. I see the low pants style as being equivalent to women showing cleavage, but because of  gender bias people wouldn't see the connection.

                                        What's your view PONDER THIS? 

Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...