Monday, 3 July 2017

Drop it low

Issues of wearing your pants under your waist is still a topic of discussion, some say it's rude and disrespectful to wear you pants that low. I see no issue with it I believe it's a nice fashion trend, but with all things it can be over done and I believe that's the point where it becomes a point of contention. I see the low pants style as being equivalent to women showing cleavage, but because of  gender bias people wouldn't see the connection.

                                        What's your view PONDER THIS? 

1 comment:

  1. Kieran benjamin3 July 2017 at 08:56

    This style started in jail . i don't have to explain how i guess most people know by now. Yes its a style now but some people over do it. It is annoying to becin a maxi and a guy gets up in front of me and all their butt is in my face or a guy with a big hole in thier underwear.


Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...