Monday, 3 July 2017

Light is right??

How is it that there has been and upsurge in the trend of skin bleaching, both men and women have been bleaching it has become a normal part of fashion. Why are people bleaching is there no love for self or is there some benefit in being lighter. The Confusing question is, is bleaching right or wrong.

                                                 What is your view PONDER THIS


  1. "Cool like mi wash mi face with di cake soap" - Vybz Kartel. This skin issue has been around since ancient times from the Egyptians to Mongolians. It has become mainstream now due to high emphasis through social media and advertising. I believe it all comes down to an individual perception of oneself........To bleach or not to bleach that is the question!

  2. Kieran benjamin3 July 2017 at 08:48

    They do it because they have this idea that lighter skin is more attractive . they do what is nessary while ignoring the warnings of bleaching.

  3. It's not right or wrong; it is a reflection of the kind of mindset society perpetrates where image is everything. Another indicator of self-esteem issues.


Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...