Sunday, 25 June 2017

I own my destiny

As humans we are driven by an innate ability to succeed. After doing some research I have discovered a formula for success.

From a religious point of view it's said that life and death is in the town so speak positive thing, speak success and it manifest.

From a social perspective it's referred to as ''self fulfilling prophesise'', where  Speaking  things into being and believing  in the thing you speak will cause them to happen.

two different institutes of thought but the same concept, bottom line is believe in yourself.

                                                               PONDER THIS ?


  1. Will said,for it is written,the power of Life and Death is within the tongue.

  2. Agreed! Success begins in the thoughts.

  3. Speaking, is an output from what is within us and driven by, our thoughts, our experiences, relationships and historical upbringing. What we hold and put in our hearts, I believe, is key to the outcomes in our lives, not speaking. E.g. If you put garbage in, the result will be garbage.

  4. Kieran bemjamin3 July 2017 at 08:58


  5. Success isn't a state of mind, it's a state of being- continuing to be and do things that the person will consider a "success". A vagrant could think s/he's successful and stay a vagrant. But the average individual wouldn't consider vagrancy a success, now, would they?


Golden Rule

                                          The good book states the golden rule :                       'Do unto others as you would hav...